ILIFE V3s Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review

ILIFE is a brand that uses cutting-edge technology to meet your cleaning needs. If you’re looking for a robot that offers above-average performance, the ILIFE V3s Pro robot vacuum cleaner could be your best option. It may lack fancier features compared to other models, but it’s a great deal for households that want to spend less. Not to mention, the robot features powerful suction and a programmable scheduling task to help you work around your busy life. So is it a great deal for multi-pet households? Does it give the best bang for your buck? Here is a detailed ILIFE V3s Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner review.



At first glance, you’ll notice that the iLife V3 looks similar to the iLife V5s sibling. It features a slightly raised lip – the vacuum can venture into locations where other models might get stuck. In addition, the vacuum has three-spoke brushes that help to loosen and guide the debris towards the bot’s gullet.

ILIFE V3 Pro Robot Cleaner features a low-profile design, so it can clean under furniture and beds where the dirt hides. Also, the absence of a roller brush makes it hard to pick larger debris on a low carpet. But the trade-off is that this makes cleaning and maintaining much easier.

ILIFE V3 features a lightweight design and comes with large wheels that allow it to move freely without leaving marks on the floor. Underneath, you’ll find 3-built underneath infrared sensors to prevent it from falling off.


ILIFE V3 is easy to set up. Unlike other non-connected vacuums, all you need is to plug the base and flip a switch. Plus, the ILIFE V3 vacuum has three cleaning modes – spot, edge, and whole floor cleaning. You can use a remote control to choose the mode that suits you best.

The edge mode focuses on cleaning along the wall edges, while the auto mode makes the bot run autonomously on a specific area. If you switch to the spot mode, the robot will navigate the floor in a spiral pattern. You can also set a cleaning schedule.

The charging time for this robot is 350 minutes. Each cycle can take up to 120 minutes, depending on how big your house is. When the battery runs out of juice, the robot will automatically turn to the charging dock.

Cleaning performance

ILIFE V3 cleans like no other. It approaches the walls and obstacles slowly and leaves the floor sparkling clean after a few passes. The V3 is user-friendly and uses a tangle-free technology that focuses on picking dirt, debris, and hairs on hard floors.

That’s not all. This unit allows you to schedule cleaning in advance. In terms of speed, this bot will exceed your expectations. It cleans 9 minutes faster than its predecessor.

Is the robot effective at picking pet hair? ILIFE V3 comes with a powerful suction that helps to pick pet hair from all types of floors. Whether your floor has a thin carpet or is made of hardwood, this unit will perform the task seamlessly.

Vacuum and Mop (in one robot)

ILIFE V3 pro robot vacuum cleaner will not only suck the debris and pet hair but also give your floor thorough scrubbing. To do the mopping job, you have to wet the cloth attached to the undercarriage. It may not be the best at removing spills but will do a good job if you have a hardwood floor. If you’re cleaning a carpet, you may want to remove the cloth from the undercarriage.

Quiet operation

Unlike comparable models, this unit will clean quietly. If you’re at home and you want the robot to do its job, you don’t have to sacrifice watching your TV or talking on the phone. Best of all, the low-noise operation makes it suitable for families with babies.


  • It’s a low noise vacuum cleaner
  • The vacuum shuts down if it gets stuck
  • Works well on hardwood, tile, and carpet floors
  • It comes with a powerful suction feature


  • There are no sensors to detect the stairs
  • The dustbin fills quickly
  • It’s a bit slow to get back to the charging dock


If you’re looking for a robot vacuum cleaner that offers above-average performance, ILIFE V3s Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner is a sure bet. It’s more adept at traveling under furniture and cleans easy messes on hard floors. Also, the powerful suction feature enables you to clean pet hair on carpets and floors. Of course, the programmable setting works well for those with a busy life.